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Import Collection Item

This event allows you to import or transfer data in CSV format from any device to the database of your web app on DrapCode.

You can also export data in the CSV format using the Import/Export Collection Data event.

How to Import a CSV File?

First, we will create an Import Data Item event and then, bind that event to a form.

1. Name the Event

Name the event as you like and click the Create Event button. You will be redirected to the events action page.

DrapCode Builder Export Import Collection Item

2. Select Import Collection Item

Click the add icon and take the cursor to the Import/Export Collection Data option in the drop-down list. Then, select the Import Collection Item event action.

DrapCode Builder Export Import Collection Item

3. Select a Collection

Select a collection in which you want to save the imported data.

DrapCode Builder Export Import Collection Item

4. Add Success & Error Messages

Add a message to indicate that data has imported successfully or it has failed. Once done, click the Save button.

DrapCode Builder Export Import Collection Item

5. Drop a Form

Open the components panel and go to the "Forms" category. Drag and drop the Form component in a page.

DrapCode Builder Export Import Collection Item

6. Remove Extra Components

Remove all components inside the form except the header and the button. You can change their if you want.

DrapCode Builder Export Import Collection Item

7. Drop a File Component

Open the components panel and go to the "Forms" category. Drag and drop the File component inside the form.

DrapCode Builder Export Import Collection Item

8. Bind the Import Collection Item Event

Open the settings of the form component bind the Import Collection Item event to it.

DrapCode Builder Export Import Collection Item

9. Preview & Publish

Open the page in the preview or publish mode and chose a CSV file from your system.

DrapCode Builder Export Import Collection Item

10. Click the Button

After uploading the file from the system, click the button.

DrapCode Builder Export Import Collection Item

11. Upload the Record

As you click the button, a dialogue box containing data inside the uploaded file will open. Click the Upload Record button to import data. If the data gets imported sucessfully, you will be notified.

DrapCode Builder Export Import Collection Item