Creating a Modal
Modal is a re-usable pop-up component that allows you to display content on your website in the form of a pop-up box to easily grab the attention of the users and share extra information with them.
They are like a pop-up dialogue box or a form which are positioned above a page on a website.
Creating a Modal
#1. Go to Snippets panel
To create a snippet, go to the Snippets panel in the Right Toolbar and click on the Add Snippet button once. A dialogue box, "Create New Snippet" will open in your canvas.

#2. Create a Modal
Name the Snippet/Modal and select the type of Snippet i.e. Modal. Once done, click the "Create Snippet" button. You will land on a page containing the default modal structure. You can edit it as you want by removing and adding components.

How to Delete a Modal?
#1. Open the Modal Settings
To delete a modal, go to the Snippets panel and click on the settings icon of the modal you want to delete.

#2. Click the Delete Button
Click the Delete Snippet button. A dialogue box to reassure your action will open. If you want to delete the snippet, choose the Yes, delete it! option.