Show/Close Modal Popup Event
To set the modal event action, follow the following steps:
Step 1: Creating a Show Modal Event
Go to the Events panel and click the Add Event button.
Now, add the Event Name and click the Create Event button.
Then, click on the add icon and go to Modal in the dropdown event action list. Select Show Modal by clicking on it once. The Show Modal dialogue box will open. Choose the modal you want to add and click the Save button.
Step 2: Creating a Close Modal Event
Click on the add icon again and go to Modal in the dropdown event action list. Select Close Modal by clicking on it once. The Close Modal dialogue box will open. You just have to click the Save button.
Step 3: Creating a Page Redirecting Event
Go to the Events panel and click the Add Event button.
Now, add the Event Name and click the Create Event button.
Then, click the Add New Action button, bring the cursor to the option, Navigation in the dropdown event action list and select Page Redirect by clicking on it once.
Step 4: Binding Buttons with the Events
Refresh the page once, so the added events can reflect in the settings and bind the created events with different buttons.
In the example below, the "Show Modal" event is bound with a separate button, the "Close Modal" button is bound with the close icon in the modal image and the "Page Redirect" event is bound with the OK button.
Step 5: Publish or Preview to Check the Refresh Section Event
Click on the preview or publish icon to see how the event works.