Reload Current Logged-In User Data in Session
In this video you will understand how to refresh or reload the logged-in user details when the user is logged-in. For instance, Let's say the data of some user fields gets changed in the backend database via some mechanis (event, API or any other trigger) and now you want those changes to reflect in the current logged-in user immediately. In such cases you can use this event action to reload the logged-in user recent details into the browser session.
1. Create an Event to Reload Current Logged-in User
Create an event to refresh or reload the logged-in user details when the user is logged-in and it will indicate what exactly has to be done. Choose the Add Event option from the Events option in the left menu. Name the event and click the Create button. In first event choose Refresh Current loggedIn User.

2. Reload the Page
Then in Navigation choose the Page Reload option.

3. Get the Data
Go to your page and in the Settings icon of the field choose the from where the field can get its data from. Then Save your settings.

4. Bind the Event
You cna create a button to refresh or reload the page. In the button bind the event you created. For this go to the Settings icon of the button and choose the Workflow Event. Then Save your settings.

5. Preview the Data
Now you can click the Preview option to view the data in and reload the current logged-in user data in session by clicking the button created for this purpose. As you keep updating the data of the logged-in user it will reflect the newly updated upload on every page reload.