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Event Action to Empty Collection Item Field Data


This fetaure aims to streamline data management, ensuring a cleaner and more organized database. Join us to experience smoother navigation and improved efficiency.

This video tutorial explains how to create an event to empty collection item field data of your web application.

1. Create an Event to Empty Collection

To remove collection field data you will have to create an event in order to trigger it. For this go to Events and click Add Event. Give a name to your event as per your use case.

DrapCode Builder Create New Record

1.1 Configure the Event

Then choose Collection and set it to Remove Collection Field Data

DrapCode Builder Create New Record

1.2 Add Event Details

Then choose the collection and the rows to remove and Save your changes.

DrapCode Builder Create New Record

2. Bind the Event

Go to Pages and open the Settings of the button to remove collection field data and bind the event by sleecting it form the dropwdown and Save the changes.

DrapCode Builder Create New Record

3. Preview the Changes

Click the Preview option and open the display page. Add a new record and Submit to delete its data. A Success notification will be displayed and it will remove this data from the collection. You can refresh the collection to view the changes.

DrapCode Builder Create New Record


The primary benefit of this feature - Enhanced system performance and faster data retrieval for improved user experience.