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Custom Page Redirect Via URL

Custom URL

1. Go to Events

Go to the events panel and click the Add Event button. You will redirected to the add events page.

DrapCode Builder Custom Page Redirect Event

2. Name the Event

Name the event as you like and click the Create Event button. You will be redirected to the events action page.

DrapCode Builder Custom Page Redirect Event

3. Select Custom Page Redirect Action

Click the add icon and take the cursor to the Navigation option in the drop-down list. Then, select the Custom Page Redirect event action.

DrapCode Builder Custom Page Redirect Event

4. Get Redirect Value From Custom URL

As we trying to get redirect values from a custom URL, select the option Custom URL.

DrapCode Builder Custom Page Redirect Event

5. Add URL

After selecting the Custom URL option, add the URL where you want to redirect users. In the example below, we have added this URL:

DrapCode Builder Custom Page Redirect Event

6. Add a Button

Go to the page from where you want to redirect users to a custom URL and drop a button.

DrapCode Builder Custom Page Redirect Event

7. Bind the Custom Page Redirect Event

After adding the button, open it's settings. Change the default name, change the type from Submit to Button and bind the Custom Page Redirect event to it.

DrapCode Builder Custom Page Redirect Event

8. Preview or Publish

Save the changes and open the page in the preview or publish mode. Now when you will click on the button, you will be redirected to the URL added while creating the event.

DrapCode Builder Custom Page Redirect Event