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Handling Notification Setting

In this video tutorial you will understand about how to use notification settings in your web app.

1. Configuring Notification Settings

Notification Settings is a feature that lets you customize your notifications. Let's understand how to implement them.

For this go to the Builder Settings at the bottom-left. When you hover the mouse on it, it will display a list of options. Now choose App Settings followed by the Advanced button. It will again display a lit of options from which you can choose Notification Settings.

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2. Customization Options in Notifications

You can create custom notifications via this feature. The types of controls include:

1. Close Button

As the name suggest this option shows the 'Close' button notification.

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Let's say the Close Button option is - Yes.

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2. Progress Bar

Progress bar is an animation that states the visual feedback on the status of the tasks.

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Let's say the Progress Bar option is - Yes.

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3. Show Easing

Easing specify the speed at which an animation progresses at different points within the animation.

  • Linear: Animation will progress at a constant pace throughout.

  • Swing: Animation progresses slightly slower than at the beginning and middle of it.

    DrapCode Builder Create New Record

Let's say the Show Easing option is - Swing.

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4. Hide Easing

This hides the animation.

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For instance,

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5. Show Duration

This option is for the seconds the notification is displayed.

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Let's say the Show Duration is set as 300

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6. Time Out

This option displays the duration it takes for the notification to time out fully.

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Let's say the Time Out is set as 1000

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7. Newest on Top

This option display the latest notification first.

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Let's say the Newest on Top is Yes

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8. Position Class

This option displays the notification as per the defined order, be it top-right, top-left and so on.

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Let's say the Position Class is Top Left

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By allowing you to choose the types of notifications you receive, how frequently you receive them, and how they are delivered, you can customize your notification experience to suit your preferences and needs. This ensures that you only receive relevant and important notifications, enhancing your overall user experience and productivity.