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Change Password of Loggedin User


When already logged in, changing your password is swift and secure. Access your account settings, verify your identity, and enter a new password. It's a seamless process prioritizing both convenience and security.

From this video tutorial you can learn how to change the password flow when you are already logged-in to your account.

1. Create a Change Password Form

For this you can go to Pages. Pull up any page and drop a Component by the name of Change Password Form. Then open the Settings of this form and bind it to the Change Password event which gets created. Then Save the settings. If the event is not appearing you can create it too.

DrapCode Builder Collection Form

2. Test the Form

Go to your login page and enter the login details. You can then add the old password, new password and confirm the new password as per the Change Password Form and click Update Password.

DrapCode Builder Collection Form


One benefit of changing your password when already logged in is the convenience of a streamlined process, which saves time and effort compared to having to go through the entire login procedure again.