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Update Collection Field Values Without Collection Form

In this video you will understand how to update the collection field values without using a collection form. There are several scenarios where you may want to update the status of some record, set/unset the value of a boolean field or want to set some pre-defined field value.

In such cases instead of building a complex collection form flow you can update the item field directly with a simple event.

1. Create a Button

You can update any record or a collection field instead of doing it with a collection form. The application supports dropdown and boolan fields you can do so via a single button. For this click the button to change its name and add its color and size as need be.

DrapCode Builder Binding Collection Form

2. Create an Event

Create an event for the buttons created and it will indicate what exactly has to be done. Choose the Add Event option from the Events option in the left menu. Name the event and click the Create button.

DrapCode Builder Binding Collection Form

2.1 Define the Event

From Collection choose the option to Update Collection Field. This will let you update the chosen collection field at a time.

DrapCode Builder Binding Collection Form

2.2 Add the Details

In the form that appears add the name of the collection and the parameter of the collection field. In the Field option choose the button and from where it can take its value from.

DrapCode Builder Binding Collection Form

2.3 Choose the Next Step

Now you can choose to show a Show Alert Message via the Notification option.

DrapCode Builder Binding Collection Form

2.4 Add the Notification Details

In the form that appears mention the alert message with the respective button and click the Save button.

DrapCode Builder Binding Collection Form

2.5 Reload the Section

Now you choose to Refresh Section after the user gets the notification message.

DrapCode Builder Binding Collection Form

2.6 Add Details to Reload

In the form that appears mention the page to refresh and choose the component of the page where this event will be applied to. Then Save your settings.

DrapCode Builder Binding Collection Form

3. Bind the Event

Now bind the event to the respective buttons. For this go to the page and click the Settings icon of the button. In the form that appears choose the respective Workflow Event from the dropdown to link to the button.

DrapCode Builder Binding Collection Form

4. Update the Collection Field

Go to the page that displays all your data and buttons. You can click the button and the respective event will trigger to update the collection field with its confirmation popup.

DrapCode Builder Binding Collection Form