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Images and File Upload Component


Integrating an Images and File Upload component in your web app streamlines the process of uploading multimedia content. Users can effortlessly upload images and files, enhancing interactivity and collaboration.

In this video tutorial you will learn how to create an Images and File Upload component in your web app.

1. Create a Collection

Use an existing collection or create an new one with image field. For this go to Collections >> Add Collection.

DrapCode Builder Collection Constructor

2. Drop a Component

Go to Components and drag-and-drop the File Upload Component in the collection form. In the Collection Field option choose Image and Save.

Similarly, drop the File Upload component in the collection form again and now in the Collection Field option choose Document and Save these settings.

DrapCode Builder Collection Constructor

3. Create an Event

Now create an event to save and update data in the collection. For this go to Events >> Add Event.

DrapCode Builder Collection Constructor

3.1 Configure the Event

To save and update the event choose Collection >> Save Data and again Collection >> Update Data and add the collection.

DrapCode Builder Collection Constructor

4. Bind the Event

Now go back to your page and bind this event to the collection form. To do this right-click the circular icon and choose the event to bind.

DrapCode Builder Collection Constructor

5. Add New Record

Go to Preview, add the details and upload a new record (file and an image).

DrapCode Builder Collection Constructor

6. Preview the Changes

Refresh your collection to view the newly added changes here as well.

DrapCode Builder Collection Constructor


One benefit of implementing an Images and File Upload component in a web app is that it simplifies the process of uploading multimedia content, enhancing user engagement and facilitating seamless collaboration.