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Image and File Handling in Data Table & Child Data Group

In this video tutorial you will understand how to add image(s) and file(s) to your Data Table and Child Data Group File component.

1. Image and File Handling

Using this feature you can add images and files in your collection. While doing so the components that you need in the Builder are Data Table and Child Data Group.

Go to the Configuration of your collection and choose File/Image. Name the image and choose its format and the number of images you want to add.

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2. Drop File Upload Component

Go to Components and choose File Upload. Drag-and-drop it inside the card and open its Settings. Here choose the image/file in Image/File field, as needed.

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This way you can upload your files and images in the collection.

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3. Delete File

To delete a file create the delete functionality. For this drop a Link component.

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When you preview the page you will be able to run the delete functionality to erase any files from the collection.

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The key benefit is enhanced data representation. By seamlessly integrating images and files into your Data Table and Child Data Group File component; you gain a more comprehensive understanding of data, improving overall usability.