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Data Group - CMS Component

Data Group allows displaying content in the form of a card. It contains a header, paragraph and link components by default, which can be deleted and replaced by other components of your choice.

Adding a Data Group

To add a Data Group, go to the “CMS” category under the Components panel and drag and drop the "Data Group" component in the canvas, wherever you want.

DrapCode Builder Data Group

Binding a Data Group with Collection Fields

#1. Bind the Collection

As drop a data group in a page, its settings opens automatically. You just have to bind a collection of your choice to get content from the collection.

DrapCode Builder Data Group Collection

#2. Bind the Fields

After binding the collection, bind each field with the header components inside the data group one by one. You can delete or add new components inside the data group as you want.

DrapCode Builder Data Group Collection

#3. Bind the Image Field

To bind an image field, you have to drop an image component inside the data group. Then, go to its settings and tick the checkbox, Get Image from Collection and bind the image field to it.

DrapCode Builder Data Group Collection