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The video gives you details about what snippets are and these design components can be used to enhance your web application.

1. Adding a Snippet

Go to Snippets, click Add Snippet and create your design element for the web page and choose Create Snippet.

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2. Dropping a Snippet

Go to Components and in Pre-built Sections choose the snippet for eg., footer (for this use case). Then drag-and-drop it onto the page. Similarly, you can choose as per your preference.

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3. Adding the Same Snippet on Every Page

Go to Pages choose Snippet. Then drag-and-drop it onto the new page.

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3.1 mention the Snippet to Duplicate

A pop-up will appear in which you can mention the snippet which you wnat to duplicate onto this page i.e., footer in this use case. Then Save.

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4. Preview the Snippet

Go to Preview and it will display the common snippet.

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5. Moving the Snippet Layer

Once you add a snippet its layer is created which you can add and move from the many layers by dragging-and-dropping.

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You can modiy the main snippet and save. You can then preview its changes on every page that has that snippet.

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