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Webhooks - Firebase Realtime Database

Firebase Realtime Database allows you to send data from the DrapCode database to the Firebase cloud using Webhooks.

Steps to Send Data through Webhook Using Realtime Database

DrapCode Builder Firestore
  • Step 2: Click the Create a Project button and follow three steps procedure to create a project as shown below:
DrapCode Builder Firestore
  • Step 3: Once you've created the project, you will land on the project dashboard. Click on the setting icon and go to project settings.
DrapCode Builder Firestore
  • Step 4: Scroll down to that page and you will see your apps. If you don’t have any app then create one by clicking on the Html icon.
DrapCode Builder Firestore
  • Step 5: Add app name and click the Register App button to create your app. While creating the app you will get the required key for Firestore, copy it and click the Continue to Console button.

In case you missed copying from there, the same you can get on your apps on the same project setting page.

DrapCode Builder Firestore
  • Step 6: In the sidebar, click on Build and choose Realtime Database from the dropdown list.DrapCode Builder Firestore

  • Step 7: Click on the Create Database button, then either choose Start in locked mode or Start in test mode option to create a database. In the example below, Start in test mode is chosen to show a demo.

Then, select the Cloud Firestore location and click Enable.

DrapCode Builder Firestore
  • Step 8: Get the databaseRef. For users, ref will be orderAnywhere/users as shown below. Note- Just give / in case you want all the top label data. Go to the Builder and create an event for sending data using Webhooks.
DrapCode Builder Firestore
  • Step 9: Open webhooks and click the Create button and choose Realtime Database.
DrapCode Builder Firestore
  • Step 10: Fill in the required fields and click the Fetch Data button.
DrapCode Builder Firestore