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Decorations - Gradient Background

Background settings comes under the Decorations category in Style Manager. As the name suggests, it allows you to decorate the background of a component. You can either add an image, color or gradient color pattern in the background of a component.

DrapCode Builder Image Background

How to Add Gradient Background

As you click on the component in which you want to add gradient background, the Style Manager of that component opens automatically in the Right Toolbar.

You only have to go to the Background settings under the category, "Decorations" and click the add icon, which looks like this DrapCode Builder Background Icon, to add a layer of gradient background.

Then, click this icon, DrapCode Builder Gradient Background Color to open gradient background settings and adjust the following fields:

1. Direction:: Defines the angle or point at which gradient effect begins.

2. Type:: Defines the type of a gradient effect, which is:

  • Radial: Begins at the centre and moves outward in a concentric shape.

  • Linear: Begins at the top and goes downward.

  • Repeating-radial: Repeats the radial gradient.

  • Repeating-linear: Repeats the linear gradient.

    DrapCode Builder Image Background Color Gradient Type

Adjusting Gradient Color

You can add as many as colors you want in your gradient by adding multiple color stops in the gradient bar as shown below:

DrapCode Builder Image Background Color Gradient Adjust