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Encryption of Data Using AWS KMS

In this video you will understand how to store the data using encryption so that it remains secured even while it is stored in the database. You can use AWS KMS to store and manage the encryption keys so that you don't have to store the keys locally to encrypt and decrypt.

1. Enable Encryption

Create a Collection schema. If you haven’t created your collection yet, Click Here

Create a project and go to its Settings-> Data Encryption -> Enable Encryption. Choose Base64 Ebcryption from the dropdown and Update.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

1.1 Open AWS Account

Open the AWS account to get the key details to encrypt and decrypt data. Search for Key Management Srrvice and select Create Key.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

1.2 Keep the Default Settings

For this use case, keep the keys as default and press Next.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

1.3 Configure the Key

Give a name to the key and add a description that is optional. Click Next.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

1.4 Keys are Generated

The keys are genrated at this point and you can assign a user for them. Click Next.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

1.5 Complete the Process

This step is complete now. Then click Finish.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

2. Create a User with Access

Go to Security Credentials in the top right dropdown. From the left menu choose Policies for users. Choose Create Policy. You can choose the policies as per your preference and then click Next.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

2.1 Choose Tags

You can choose the tags as per your preference and then click Next.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

2.2 Review the Policy

Give a name to the policy and choose Create Policy.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

2.3 Create a User

From the left menu choose Users. Choose Create User. Name the user. Then click Next.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

2.4 Attach Policies to the User

Search for policies created and attached them to the user(s). Then click Next.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

2.5 Review the User

review the details and choose Create User. This user has access to the KMS policies created.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

3. Generate Access Keys

Go to Security Credentials tab and generate Access Keys and choose Create Access Key.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

3.1 Choose the Service

Choose the appropriate service and agree with the terms and click Next.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

3.2 Create Access Key

This is an optional step and you can simply choose Create Access Key.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

3.3 Keys are Generated

The keys are generated and you can copy them from here to DrapCode. Then click Done.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

3.4 Download the Credentials

You can download teh credentials for later use. Click Download .csv file.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

4. Copy the Keys

Copy the acess and secret access keys generated before here.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

5. Add the Region

Go to Key Management Service and check the region displayed on the top right and paste it. Then click Generate Data Key.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

5.1 Copy the ARN

Go back to KMS and from the left menu choose Customer Managed Keys. Open the key details and copy the ARN from here.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

5.2 Paste the ARN

Paste the ARN and choose Generate Data Key.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

5.3 Add the Alogirthm

The ARN key is generated and choose the algorithm from the default dropdown and choose Update.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

6. Add Field to Encrypt

Go back to your collection and add Add Fields to encrypt by choosing the Encrypted option and Save.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

7. View the Changes

Now when you add any record the selected fields will be encrypted.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field

7.1 View Actual Data

To view actual value of encryoted data click Decrypt Item.

DrapCode Builder Collection Field