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LinkedIn - Plugin

The LinkedIn plugin allows you to integrate LinkedIn into your web application so that users can sign up or login to the web app through their LinkedIn accounts.

Follow these steps to successfully integrate LinkedIn into your web app:

Step 1: Open LinkedIn developer

Go to the LinkedIn developer site: and click the “Create App” link in the header menu and login.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 2: Login/Sign Up to LinkedIn Account

Login to your Linked In account or sign up and create it if you don't already don't have one.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 3: Create App

Add App Name, URL of your company's LinkedIn Page, App Logo and tick the checkbox to accept legal terms. Once done click the Create app button.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 4: Auth Settings

Go to the Auth tab to add redirecting URLs.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 5: Add Redirecting URLs

On the Auth page, add URLs to redirect users. In the redirect URLs field, you just need to enter your site's login, register and account's social tab URLs with /auth/linkedin/callback in the end e.g:

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 6: Open OAuth 2.0 Tools Page

Scroll up the Auth page and click the link, OAuth 2.0 Tools.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 7: Create Token

Click on the Create Token button on the OAuth 2.0 Tools Page.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 8: Request Access Token

Tick the checkboxes and add the two required scopes in the app settings: r_liteprofile and r_emailaddress.

Once done click the Request access token button.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Now when you go back to the Auth tab, you will see two scopes there.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 9: Products Tab

Go to the Products tab and select the sign in with LinkedIn option.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 10: Add Sign In with LinkedIn

Tick the checkbox and click the Add Product button.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

When it gets approved, you will get a notification.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 11: Go to the Builder

Go to the App builder and open plugins. Find the LinkedIn plugin and click the install button.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 12: Client ID & Client Secret

Go to the Auth tab and copy the Client ID and the Client Secret key and paste them on the LinkedIn plugin page on the builder.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 13: Install the LinkedIn Plugin

Once you have added the Client ID and Client Secret key, click the Install Plugin button.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 14: Go to Events

As click you on the install button, LinkedIn login plugin will get successfully installed as shown below in the image. Now, click on the events icon in the top bar and open events.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 15: Social Login/Sign Up Event

Create a new event and add Social Login/Sign Up event action.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 16: Choose LinkedIn As Provider

Select user role, choose LinkedIn as provider and select the page you users to land on after logging in via LinkedIn. Once done, click the Save button.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 17: Add a Button

Go to Forms category under Components and drag and drop a button.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Step 18: Bind the Event

Open the settings of the button and change the button text to LinkedIn. Then, change the type from Submit to Button. As you change the type, option to bind a workflow event would appear. So select the LinkedIn Login event from the list.

DrapCode Builder LinkedIn Plugins

Now, open the page in the preview or publish mode to see how the logging in through LinkedIn works.