Page Advanced Settings
You can edit each page's settings differently on DrapCode. The page settings are seggregated under three categories:
Under the Advanced settings, you can create a page snapshot of a page with a single click on a button. It allows you to keep a safe copy of a page so you can easily revert to the previous state of the page, in case something goes wrong while doing new changes.
It also comes handy while creating a new page by copying it.

Create a Page Snapshot
To create a page snapshot:
- Open the settings of an existing page
- Go to "Advanced" settings
- Edit the default "Snapshot Name", if you want
- Click the "Create Snapshot" button once
Your page snapshot is successfully created.

Replacing a Page with a Snapshot
Open the "Advanced" settings of the page you want to replace. In the "Replace Page With" field, choose the option to replace the page with a page snapshot. Then, choose with which page snapshot you want to replace it. After filling in all the required fields, click the Update button.
The page content will get replaced with the content of the selected page snapshot.
Page snapshot allows you to save a page permanently even if the original page gets deleted or modified.

Replacing a Page with an Existing Page
The process of replacing a page with an existing page is similar to replacing a page with a snapshot. You only have to choose the "existing page" option in the "Replace Page With" field under the "Advanced" settings and with which page you want to replace it.

Bind Event
This field allows you to bind a workflow event to a page. After opening the advanced settings, go to the bind event field and select the event from the dropdown (showing all the created events) that you want to bind on the page.

Page Index
This field allows you to set the position of the pages numerically.

Script URL
You can add multiple external script URLs here. Just enter scripts separated by commas.

JavaScript Code
You can add custom JavaScript code to directly add interactive elements in a page.