Creating Page Using Page Snapshot
When you have already designed some pages, it's better to create new pages by just copying the content from them. It will save a lot of time and spare you from doing all from scratch. One way to create new pages this way is via copying the existing pages.
How to Create a Page Using a Page Snapshot
#1. Create a Snapshot
Open the settings of an existing page and go to its "Advanced" settings. Edit the default "Snapshot Name", if you want and click the "Create Snapshot" button.

#2. Click the Add Page Button
Go to the Pages panel in the left toolbar and click the Add Page button. A dialogue box, “Create New Page” will open in your canvas.

#3. Add Page Details
Add the name of your new page to identify the page name while building the application. As you type the name the URL name also gets created. Edit the default name if you want.

#4. Copy Page From
As you click in the input box, two options will appear. Select the option Copy from Page Snapshots.

#5. Select the Snapshot
After choosing the option to copy a page snapshot, select the snapshot you want to copy.

Once done, click the "Create" button.
And there you go! Your new page is created that looks exactly like the snapshot.