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Conditionally Open Modal Popups


In a website, sometimes pop-up boxes (modals) appear. When they show up depends on certain situations, like when you successfully submit a form or make a mistake. This helps make sure you see important messages at the right times, making your experience on the website smoother.

In this video tutorial you will learn how to create Conditionally Open Modal events.

1. Create Modals

Go to Snippets and create a Modal by choosing that option.

DrapCode Builder Modal Styling

2. Create Records of the same Collection

Add records in your collection, as per your use case.

DrapCode Builder Modal Styling

3. View Data in Data Table

Click Preview to view the records you have added from the collection to the Data Table.

DrapCode Builder Modal Styling

4. Create an Event to Open Modal

Go to Events and Add Event. Name the event and click Create**.

Choose Snippet/Modal Popup --> Conditional Open Modal

DrapCode Builder Modal Styling

Once the page opens add the collection to fetch data from, the fields of that collection and the modals created for those fields.

DrapCode Builder Modal Styling

5. Bind the Event to a Button

Bind the event created above to the button in the Data Table.

DrapCode Builder Modal Styling

6. Preview the Changes

Clicking the button will open different modals on the basis of the field value in your collection.


Conditionally opening modals in a web app reduces interruptions, providing a more focused and user-friendly experience by showing relevant information only when needed.