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Create Modal Using Existing Snippet

If you've already created and designed modals, it is much better to create new modals by just copying the content from the existing modal. It will save a lot of time of your time as well as save you from building a modal from scratch.

Steps to Create a Modal by Copying an Existing Modal

#1. Go to Snippets panel

Go to the Snippets panel in the Right Toolbar to create a modal by copying an exising modal. Then, click on the Add Snippet button once. A dialogue box, "Create New Snippet" will open in your canvas.

DrapCode Modal

#2. Name the Modal

To create a modal, start by typing a name of your choice and then, proceed further to the next step. Once, you have successfully created the modal, the name you enter will appear in the snippets panel.

DrapCode Modal

#3 Choose the Snippet Type

The next step in the process of creating a modal is choosing the snippet type. So click on the input bar and select the type of Snippet as Modal from the drop-down list as shown below.

DrapCode Modal

#4. Copy Snippet Content

Go to "Copy Snippet Content" field and click on the input bar. A drop-down list containing two options will open. Select the option, Copy from Existing Snippets.

DrapCode Modal

#5. Select the Modal

As you select the option, "Copy from Existing Snippets", an input field will appear automatically under it to select the snippet whose content you want to copy. So click on the input bar and select a modal from the drop-down list containing all the existing snippets, modals and custom segments.

After selecting the modal you want to copy content from, click the Create Snippet button. You will be redirected to the newly created modal containing the content of the modal that you used to create it.

DrapCode Modal