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Error Message Handling in External APIs

In this video tutorial you will understand how to handle error messages in External APIs.

1. Receiving an Error Message

Let's say if you enter incorrect details in the form and Submit it; this action will create a Success message to collection but an Error message to the external API (Airtable, in this example).

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2. Error Message in Logs

Go to your logs and scroll to view the error message of the above action.

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3. Copy the Error Message

You can copy the error message to decode it better.

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4. Paste the Error Message

Go to External API and in Error Handling paste the error message to display to your user and Save Settings.

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5. Test the Settings

Re-fill the form with some incorrect details. This time it will show a Success message for collection and display the Error Message.

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6. Displaying Multiple Error Messages

Similarly, you can add multiple error message in Error Handling of the external API and Save Settings for different types of errors.

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