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Number in Currency Format

When you display numbers in currency format it adds a currency sign in front (or back) of them. In addition, you can specify the decimal places and comma or decimal separator as you wish to display the number in currency format.

You can use million, thousand separators or use crores, lakhs etc., use negative numbers, or any format you wish to. You can do this using Currency Format derived fields, under the collection Therefore, displaying currency in format makes the data easier to read as well as easy to use and to compute.

1. Go to Derived Field

Go to the Derived Fields menu. A form will show up like below to create a New Derived field. Give a name to this field.

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2. Fill the Form

Next you would find a dropdown in the Select Method Type.From the dropdown choose Currency Format to get a derived field.

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2.1 Select the Field

Select the field from the collection which you have created.

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2.2 Choose the Symbol

Choose or type the currency symbol or input the currency symbol (if not in the list already).

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2.3 Make the Currency Selection

As per the chosen currency select its symbol from the dropdown. For eg., it can be an INR or ₹ symbol.

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2.4 Select the Format

Select where you wish to display the symbol for your currency. For eg., at the beginning ₹1,000.00 and so on with or without spaces.

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2.5 Select the Display Style

Select the format in which you want to display the currency. As per the currency chosen you get the format in INR (lacs, crores), USD(thousand, million) format such as 1,000,000.00 or 10,00,000.00.

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2.6 Select the Decimal

Choose the decimal separator for the currency. Some countries separate the decimal value via comma (,) while other formats are via full stop (.) For eg., ₹1,000.00.

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3. Show the Data

Choose the Show Fields option and you can get the details of the derived fields. The details will be displayed just below the button.

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4.Configure the Field

Go to the components section and click on it to add let’s say, a data table to the empty space. You can choose a data table, data group etc., from the components section as per your requirement.

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5. Export the Data

Click on the border of the data table and you would find the circular Settings Icon . Click on it to export/ bind data from the Collections. A box will appear on doing so. Mention the name of the collection from the dropdown to export its data to this selected table.

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6. Preview/Publish the Data

Once all data has been imported you can click the Preview/Publish icon in the top right corner.

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6.1 View the Page

It will display all data in currency format with decimals for you.

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