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Key Value Pair Support in Static and Dynamic Drop-downs


Introducing collections in our web app with key-value pairs and dynamic drop-down menus. Seamlessly select data from both static and dynamic options for enhanced user interaction and efficient data management.

In this video tutorial you will know how to create a collection with key-value pairs with static and dynamic drop-downs for your web application.

1. Viewing Collection Data

To begin, you can use an existing collection or create new one.

DrapCode Builder Collection Constructor

2. Bind the Collection

Go to Components and drop a collection form. Open its Settings and bind the collection and its fields to it by selecting them form the dropdown and Save the changes.

DrapCode Builder Collection Constructor

3. Preview the Changes

Click the Preview option and open the display page. Create a new record and Submit. This record will reflect in your collection when you refresh it.

DrapCode Builder Collection Constructor


This feature streamlines data selection, ensuring quicker access to relevant information for improved user efficiency.