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Constraints Fields - Collection

This feature allows you to restrain data from getting repeated.

Remember, if you apply constraints to more than one field then the data input of the fields must be unique to get successfully accepted.

1.Accessing Constraints

To access Constraints settings go to the Collection panel in the Left Toolbar of the builder and open the settings of the collection in whose fields you want to add constraints by clicking the settings icon. You will be redirected to the settings of the collection. Just click on "Constraints" once and the Constraints settings will open.

DrapCode Builder Collection Constraints

2. Creating Constraints

To add constraints in a collection field, open the Constraints settings of a collection. Add the Constraint name, select the Constraint Type, followed by the collection field on which you want to add the constraint.

Note you can add as many fields you want to apply contraint property on them.

DrapCode Builder Collection Constraints