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Working with Count Filters

In this video you will understand how to implement count filters to get the count or no. of items in the collection matching some conditions.

For instance, when you have a list of tasks and you need the number of tasks that are marked as "Completed" and assigned to the current logged-in user or you want to count items that are sold to any specific geography for a certain time range, etc. you can implement this filter.

1. Create a Filter

To begin create a Filter for your collection. Add the fields you want to apply the count to. Then add a Condition for the selection. Choose Count as the selector to execute this feature. After this choose the Save and Create Filter option for your settings.

DrapCode Builder Collection Filter

2. Bind the Filter

Go to the collection form and bind the filter to the form field. For this go to the Settings icon of the field. In the form that appears choose the Get Value from Collection Filters and save your settings. Here you have applied the filter to show only the count.

DrapCode Builder Collection Filter

3. View the Count Filter

You can preview the form and view the data via the count filter. When you add new data to your list it will showcase it too.

DrapCode Builder Collection Filter

4. Adding Multiple Data

You can create multiple data to your filters with the Task Data option in your collection. As earlier choose Count as the selector to execute this feature. Add Condition to your selection. After this choose the Create Filter option for your settings.

DrapCode Builder Collection Filter

4.1 Bind the New Filter

Go to the collection form and bind the filter to the form field. For this go to the Settings icon of the field. In the form that appears choose the Get Value from Collection Filters and save your settings.

DrapCode Builder Collection Filter

4.2 View the New Filter

You can preview the form and view the data via the count filter. When you add new Task Data to your list it will showcase it too.

DrapCode Builder Collection Filter