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Filtered Items in Select Box Dropdown

In this video you will understand how to limit the dropdown list to only show the items which match a certain condition or a list of filtered items/records of data in a Select dropdown box.

For eg., when you have a list of users but you only want to show the users of some specific department in the dropdown select box options or display the list of Approved categories to a loggedin person only then this feature is useful.

1. Create a Filter

Go to your collection and create a Filter. Add the fields you want in the dropdown box. Then add a Condition for the selection. To finish Save your settings.

DrapCode Builder Collection Filter

2. Bind the Filter

Go to the collection form and bind the filter to the form field. For this go to the Settings icon of the field. In the form that appears choose the Filter from the dropdown and save your settings. Here you have applied the condition to show only the filtered dropdown and not the complete dropdown.

DrapCode Builder Collection Filter

3. View the Dropdown

You can preview the form and view the filtered dropdown. When you add new user data to your filtered dropdown it will showcase the new list too in your form.

DrapCode Builder Collection Filter