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Displaying Filtered Data of Current Logged In User

In this video you will learn how to display the data of current logged-in user in Data tables or Data Groups. Here data is meant for the logged-in user.

For example in case of a CRM leads that are created by the user or the leads that are assigned to the logged-in user or in a project management tool a task that is under a specific milestone and assigned to the user.Each of the user will be able to view the personalised data or items that are meant for them.

1. Create a Filter

Begin by creating a Filter to get the details assigned to a logged-in user. Add the fields you want. Then add a Condition for the selection as you refer. After this choose the Save and Create Filter option for your settings. The data added here is meant for the specific logged-in user only.

DrapCode Builder Collection Filter

2. Bind the Filter

Now bind the filter to the Data Table. For this go to the Settings icon of the field. In the form that appears choose the Get Data From Collection, Select Collection and Select Filter. Then save your settings.

DrapCode Builder Collection Filter

3. Preview or Publish

You can reload the page and preview the Data Table for the data assigned to the logged-in user. When you add new data for the logged-in user it will be showcased here too.

DrapCode Builder Collection Filter