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Filter - Average of Data

Allows you to calculate the average of data in a number field.

How to Create an Average Filter?

1. Go to Filters

Open the collection in which you want to add an average filter.

DrapCode Builder Average Filter

2. Name the Filter

Type the name of the filter and make it public by unticking the checkbox.

DrapCode Builder Average Filter

3. Select the Filter

Choose Average option from the dropdown list.

DrapCode Builder Average Filter

4. Select the Field

Choose the collection field whose data you want to add.

DrapCode Builder Average Filter

5. Add a Condtion

Now add condition if you want and click the Create Filter button.

DrapCode Builder Average Filter

How to Add an Average Filter?

1. Bind the Collection

Go to the page that contains a data table. Open the data table settings and bind the collection in which you have created the filter.

DrapCode Builder Average Filter

2. Drop a Text Field

Go to the components panel and drag-and-drop a text field that will show the average value.

DrapCode Builder Average Filter

3. Bind the Filter

Open the settings of the text component and bind the filter you had previously created.

DrapCode Builder Average Filter

4. Preview or Publish

Open the page in the preview or publish mode. The text field on which you had bound the average filter would display the calculated average of data under the field for which the filter was created, i.e. Balls (as per the example used).

DrapCode Builder Average Filter