Collection Form - Form Component
Adds a collection form to collect data or information from the users.
1. Adding a Collection Form
To add a collection form, go to the “Forms” category under the Components panel and drag and drop the "Collection Form" component in the canvas.
In the example below, the collection form is dropped in a structure, constructed using rows and columns.

2. Binding a Collection with the Collection Form
Open the settings of the collection form and select the collection whose data or items you want to list or add in the form.

3. Adding a Collection Field in a Collection Form
Using the Collection Field component, you can add a field directly from the bound collection.

4. Additional Tools
The Collection Form also has a set of additional tools, positioned on the right side of the component. Know more.
5.Collection Form - Settings
Click this icon, to open the settings of a collection form. Here, you can bind automated workflow events, bind a collection and apply validation rules to it.